16 years for Glasgow pool cue murderers

Lord Matthews described the row which led to Mr Thomson's death as "the most mundane of arguments."

Author: Kerri-Ann DochertyPublished 29th Jul 2019

Two men who were convicted of murdering a dad-of-three with a pool cue in a row over rap music were today jailed for a total of 16 years and six months.

Kristopher Reynolds, 32, and his co-accused Martin Argyelan. 27, carried out the horrific attack on 52-year-old Jim Thomson, who was Reynolds' mother's lover.

The killing took place at Reynolds' mother's home at Harbury Place, Glasgow, on May 11, last year, after dad-of-four Mr Thomson complained he could not sleep for the loud music. A piece of the pool cue penetrated his brain.

Yesterday at the High Court in Glasgow judge Lord Matthews told them: "Mr Thomson was a much-loved husband and father and his death has left a huge gap in their lives.”

Lord Matthews described the row which led to Mr Thomson's death as "the most mundane of arguments."

Both men, who have previous convictions for violence, were convicted of culpable homicide.

Reynolds and Argyelan denied murdering Mr Thomson, but were convicted of the lesser charge of culpable homicide.

Argyelan admitted striking the killer blow and Reynolds was convicted on an art-and-part basis.

Reynolds was jailed for seven years and ordered to be monitored in the community after his release for three years. Argyelan was sentenced to nine years and six months and will be monitored for three years after his release.

The court heard that Mr Thomson, who was married, but separated, had moved in with Reynolds' mother Karen Millar in February 2018.

Mr Thomson and Ms Millar were a couple in their teens , but lost touch, until they were reunited through Facebook.

The night of the killing Mr Thomson was in bed and staff nurse Ms Millar was at work when the accused turned up at the house around 2am after a night out.

They began playing rap music loudly.

Mr Thomson, a mechanic with bus company McGills, asked the pair to turn down the music.

Tempers flared and Reynolds claimed he was punched on the face by Mr Thomson.

In evidence, Reynolds said: “I was raging that I'd been assaulted after a day at work and a good night out. It all turned to rubbish. I was angry and I felt embarrassed.”

Reynolds told the court that he snapped the pool cue in two and went upstairs to confront Mr Thomson.

But, he said he never struck the fatal blow and claimed he just threw the pool cue at Mr Thomson, but said it missed him.

Argyelan admitted inflicted the killer blow with the cue, but denied murdering him.

He told police during an interview that he did this after Reynolds and Mr Thomson were fighting for about 10 minutes: “I was just trying to split it up.”

Reynolds' mother 53-year-old Karen Millar told the court that her son sent her a letter while he was on remand

In it Reynolds said: “Jim was a great guy, kind to me and certainly not deserving of what happened.

“Jim was one of the soundest guys and I know he made you happy. I would never have killed him.”

Defence QC Ian Duguid, representing Reynolds, said: “He has expressed regret for what happened. The consequences were entirely unintended.”

QC Thomas Ross, defending Argyelan, said: “He did not start the incident, but accepts that ultimately he did become involved. He appreciates the heartache he has caused to the family of Mr Thomson.