Glasgow men admit £200k drug deal

A former oil worker was involved in a £200,000 cocaine deal with a stranger after hitting money troubles.

Published 6th Nov 2018

A former oil worker was involved in a £200,000 cocaine deal with a stranger after hitting money troubles.

Ian Matthews was clocked in a drugs handover with Thomas Cairns in Glasgow's Tollcross in July this year.

Police soon swooped and the cocaine was found to have a purity as high as 82%.

A judge heard Matthews, from Paisley, had lost his well-paid off-shore job the previous year.

The 37 year-old now faces a jail-term after he admitted being concerned in the supply of cocaine.

54 year-old Cairns, of Tollcross, also pled guilty to the same charge.

The pair were remanded in custody pending sentencing next month.

The High Court in Glasgow heard Matthews had been in an Audi car before handing a bag to Cairns, who initially had been chatting on his phone.

Cairns was stopped outside his nearby flat minutes later.

The cocaine was found wrapped in packages inside the bag.

Police seized a number of drug related items from Cairns' home including cash, scales and 'tick” lists.

Matthews was later held, but made no comment.

His lawyer today/yesterday said Matthews “had no previous connection” to Cairns or any links to where the handover occurred.

Jennifer Bain, defending, added: “He was employed off shore from 2002 until 2017.

“At the time, he was a recreational user of cocaine. He then lost his job at the downturn of the oil price.

“His habit continued with no income to pay for it. His debt level then spiralled out of control.

“He was asked to deliver a package and he would receive a payment towards his debt.”

Lord Burns deferred sentencing for reports.