Glasgow march to support Northern Ireland veterans

George Square
Published 14th Apr 2017
Last updated 14th Apr 2017

Around 200 veterans have taken part in a march in Glasgow city centre to support former soldiers who served in Northern Ireland.

Led by Paisley Comrades Pipe Band, the procession marched to George Square where banners reading Justice for Northern Ireland veterans'' were displayed.

Alan Dalgliesh, 53, who served with the 2nd Battalion Scots Guards between 1979 and 1994, said: It's a bit of a witch-hunt for me.

You join up (to the Army), take your allegiance and you're doing it for the government and now they're backtracking and getting folk for their duty.

It's just wrong that you're just waiting for that knock on the door about something that happened years ago which you did as your job.

Every regiment, every veteran is united on this. I've heard of a couple of guys who've had a knock on their door (from police) asking: 'What happened here, what happened there?'

But why? It's your duty, and that's what we did.''

Geordie Gaughan, a former sergeant in the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, served for 10 tours of Northern Ireland and took part in the Glasgow march.

The 76-year-old from Paisley said: This is to show people that the Northern Ireland veterans are being forgotten about by the Government.

Everything we want to raise for veterans we have to do through charities and the Legion. We want to make people aware that we're still here.

People are here to remember their mates, and we want to tell the Government: 'We are the veterans and it's time you did something for us'.''