Glasgow man jailed for repeatedly raping schoolgirl

Allan Galbraith preyed on the child, who was terrified to tell anyone what was happening

Published 15th Jun 2018

A man who repeatedly raped a schoolgirl after texting her whenever he wanted sex has been jailed for almost seven years. Allan Galbraith preyed on the child, who was terrified to tell anyone what was happening.

But, after she suffered for more than two years, the young victim broke down in tears and revealed to her mum her ordeal.

Police later traced dad-of-five Galbraith - and he was found hiding in a cupboard under a pile of rubbish.

The 38 year-old returned to the High Court in Glasgow having earlier admitted raping the girl between January 2016 and February this year.

The child was as young as 12 at the time of the crimes, which occurred at a house in the city.

A hearing was told that despite pleading guilty, Galbraith denied in a pre-sentencing report “most” of what occurred.

Lady Rae locked him up for six years and 10 months. He will also be supervised for a further three years on his release.

The judge told Galbraith: “You have pled guilty to a catalogue of serious sexual crimes carried out against a young child. You destroyed her childhood.”

The court heard how Galbraith often baby-sat the girl.

He would send her a text when wanting sex and that would be her “cue” to go to his bedroom.

Prosecutor Gillian Ross said he ended up abusing her “once a week, sometimes more”.

Miss Ross: “She was too young to understand what was happening to her.

“He told her she was not allowed to tell anyone otherwise he would get into trouble.

“On some occasions she threatened to go to the police, but Galbraith became angry and she feared reprisals.”

But, she bravely went on to tearfully admit to her mum what had gone on.

Galbraith was later held, but only after a 15-minute search at his home lead to him being found hiding upside down and buried by litter.

He initially claimed he had sex with the girl twice when she 13. Galbraith added there had been sexual contact about 70 times.

Miss Ross said: “His explanation for having sexual intercourse with the girl was that he had an urge to do so. He accepted he knew what he was doing was wrong.”

Galbraith was also placed on the sex offenders list.