Glasgow bus driver accused of dangerous driving

A dad feared his daughter was going to be dragged under a moving bus had he not pulled her away.

Published 3rd Jun 2019

A dad feared his daughter was going to be dragged under a moving bus had he not pulled her away.

28 year-old Martin Dennett of Johnstone is charged with dangerous driving of a motor bus on Glasgow's Renfield Street last August.

The girl, now aged nine, was waiting at traffic lights on her bike with her dad and seven-year-old brother.

The child’s father told Glasgow Sheriff Court that the bus went on to the kerb and hit her bike.

He said: “I turned round and the bus was touching the bike and it was trailing it on the kerb for a metre.

“I banged and shouted on the driver and grabbed my daughter but the driver continued.

“She could have been under the bus and he could have crushed her.”

The bus stopped at a nearby depot where the youngster’s father confronted Dennett.

Her father said: “He told me that I shouldn’t be on the f*g pavement anyway and he wouldn’t give me his name so I took his enrolment number.”

He contacted the police who took a statement from him and the two kids.

Defence lawyer Philip Cohen stated that Dennett believed the girl's wheels were on the road before the collision.

Her Dad said: "Absolutely not, that's not true.”

The girl told the court that she had been looking at her aunt's house while at the lights.

She said: “I was looking around and the bus came round the corner and went on the pavement and my front wheel turned round.”

The trial before Sheriff Allan Findlay continues.