Glasgow bin lorry crash inquiry report due on Monday

the probe was carried out this summer into the disaster just days before Christmas last year in which six people were killed

Published 4th Dec 2015

The findings of the fatal accident inquiry into the Glasgow bin lorry crash that killed six people just days before Christmas last year are to be published on Monday.

Sheriff John Beckett brought the inquiry to a close on August 28 after five weeks of evidence at Glasgow Sheriff Court and said he would take at least two months before issuing his written determination.

The Judiciary of Scotland tweeted on Friday that the determination will be published at midday on Monday. Emergency service workers, council staff, doctors, crash experts and those who were inside the bin lorry - including driver Harry Clarke - gave evidence to the inquiry.

The probe heard Mr Clarke lost consciousness at the wheel and that he had a history of health issues - including a previous blackout in 2010 when at the wheel of a stationary bus - but had not disclosed his medical background to his employers or the DVLA.

When he gave evidence to the inquiry, Mr Clarke was warned by Sheriff Beckett that he did not have to answer questions which could incriminate him as the families of some of the victims had signalled their intention to raise a private prosecution against him.

Over two days he refused to answer the majority of questions from lawyers.

He resigned from his job with Glasgow City Council last month, hours before he was due to attend a disciplinary meeting.

Erin McQuade, 18, and her grandparents Jack Sweeney, 68, and Lorraine Sweeney, 69, from Dumbarton, West Dunbartonshire, died from multiple injuries after being hit by the truck in Queen Street on December 22.

Stephenie Tait, 29, and Jacqueline Morton, 51, both from Glasgow, and Gillian Ewing, 52, from Edinburgh, were also killed as the lorry travelled out of control towards George Square before crashing into the side of the Millennium Hotel.