Glasgow barber who claimed to be a terrorist spared jailed

A barber who was boarding a flight to testify in a court case and hauled aside after saying “I’m a terrorist” has been fined £1000.

Published 6th Feb 2018

A barber who was boarding a flight to testify in a court case and hauled aside after saying “I’m a terrorist” has been fined £1000.

30 yea-old Federico Scara was about to step on a plane to Amsterdam when he made the comment to Glasgow Airport worker Kirstie McLean without warning.

Miss McLean passed on her concerns and the Captain of the planed stopped who stoped Scara from getting on the flight.

He was told to wait at the gate because the police had been contacted, and immediately apologised to them.

Scara, represented by defence lawyer Paul Mullen, pled guilty at Paisley Sheriff Court to behaving in a threatening or abusive manner likely to cause a reasonable person to suffer fear or alarm on October 24, last year.

He admitted approaching to board the KLM flight to Amsterdam and stating to Miss McLean that he was a terrorist.

He was fined ÂŁ1000 for his crime by Sheriff David Pender.

Scara, originally from Turin, Italy but living in Queen’s Park, Glasgow, was on the first leg of his journey home at the time to testify in a court case where he was the victim of an assault.

Around 5.50am Scara was at gate 33 at Glasgow Airport.

He handed Miss McLean his boarding pass and passport and she noticed his surname.

Unexpectedly he said “I’m a terrorist” before walking on to the air bridge to board the plane.

Miss McLean contacted the aircraft dispatcher who in turn reported to the Captain, who stopped Scaraboarding.

He was told to wait at the gate as police would be arriving and when spoke to by officers admitted “I said I was a terrorist. I am really sorry, it was so stupid.”

After checks were made Scara was cautioned and charged and told a report would be made to the procurator fiscal.

Mr Mullen said he apologised immediately and is contrite about the whole matter