What do you think of the new look for Glasgow's streets?

Published 13th Nov 2018

Glaswegians are being asked for their opinions on the planned new look for parts of the city centre in the £115m Avenues Project.

Initial design ideas have been published forthe Sauchiehall Precinct (between Rose Street and Buchanan Street); the Underline (connecting the West End to the city centre via St George’s Place, Phoenix Road and New City Road); and Cambridge Street.

The £115million Avenues project is funded by the Glasgow City Region City Deal and will see key streets in the city centre redesigned to prioritise space for cyclists and pedestrians as well as make the streets more attractive.

Councillor Susan Aitken, Leader of Glasgow City Council and Chair of the Glasgow City Region City Deal Cabinet, said: “This is an opportunity for our citizens to become involved in the changing face of our city centre. The city centre is the heart of Glasgow. It’s where so many of us come to work, to socialise, to shop and to meet and every Glaswegian has an interest in its well-being.

"Some £115million is being invested in the Avenues project and it will have a positively transformative impact on the social and economic life of our city centre streets. So it’s vital the public take part, that as many people as possible give us their views on these initial designs for the some of our key thoroughfares. We want to get this once-in-a-generation opportunity right, to deliver something for Glaswegians with Glaswegians.

"At the end of this process, we want to look forward to streets attracting even more people to the city centre and take satisfaction that our people have helped shape that.”

The consultation will be both on-street in the city centre on 16 and 17 November and online.