Girls' Day Out delves into the secrets of Scotland's handbags

Published 19th Sep 2017

Scottish Ladies have admitted to the top five things they can't live without in their handbag - according to a survey carried out by Girls’ Day Out.

The number one item ladies have on hand in their bag is their mobile phone – 81% gave that answer.

69% said that a purse, bank card or money would be in their top five, with 49% unable to live without a lipstick, lip gloss or lip balm in their bag.

Coming in at fourth place were keys – 45 women said these were always in their bag.

In fifth place was perfume, which 23% admitted to carrying at all times.

But there were some of the more peculiar answers with 3% saying they always carried dog bags - one even carried dog treats.

Despite living in Scotland, only 3% said that an umbrella was a staple of their handbag, with just as many carrying sunglasses.

One woman carried her own tea bags, whilst another wouldn’t be caught dead without her healing crystals.

Other interesting highlights included fidget spinners, an avocado knife and anti-sickness tablets.

The Girls' Day Out takes place from the 1st December until the 3rd December at the SECC in Glasgow.