Gang convicted of shooting at Glasgow crime clan house

Annette Daniel had her home in Robroyston targeted in July 2017.

Published 31st May 2019
Last updated 31st May 2019

A gang has been convicted of a shooting at the house of a notorious crime clan member. Annette Daniel had her home in Glasgow's Robroyston targeted in July 2017.

The blast occurred weeks after her son Steven “Bonzo” Daniel was left with grotesque facial wounds during a gangland attack.

Zak Bennett (27), Chloe Walker (22), Courtney McCreadie (22) and Ian Moyes (33) were found guilty of the shooting.

Walker helped them get snared after posing for a photo in her underwear beside the pump action shotgun thought to have been used in the crime.

Another snap captured Bennett appearing to snort white powder from her bare bottom with the same firearm still there.

The four will learn their fate next month.

Daniel told jurors how she believed fireworks had been let off near her detached home in the upmarket estate.

The 57 year-old – sister of late crimelord Jamie Daniel – said she was cradling a child when she heard a car close by in the early hours of July 7 2017.

Daniel: “I heard someone say 'hurry up'. I put the baby on the bed, went to the window and saw two men.

“I said: 'Are you alright there?'. They did not say anything back.”

She recalled hearing a “bang” and then another.

Daniel added: “I then started going crazy. I did not know if it was a firework or what.

“Everyone in the house slept through it. They thought I was exaggerating.

“They said; 'You are not right in the head...go back to bed'. I then thought: 'Was I dreaming?'.”

Daniel insisted she did not see the men holding anything.

Detectives later turned up at her home to probe the attack.

Prosecutor Erin Campbell asked Daniel: “Had you asked for police to attend?”

She replied: “No, I did not. They asked could they come in and I said no.”

Daniel also told jurors: “I did not want police at my door. They say it is unlucky.”

She apparently stated to officers that one man was wearing a hi-vis jacket and the other a grey tracksuit.

But, Daniel said in court it was dark that night and she would not have been able to see.

She also claimed not to know what happened at her home.

But, it emerged, in a prison call to her drug dealing nephew Zander Sutherland, Daniel asked him: “Did you know my windows got shot at?”.

The four gang members were later held by police.

Prosecutors believe Bennett and Moyes were the gunmen with Walker the “classic getaway driver” and McCreadie the woman who “recruited” her.

The tracker in Walker's courtesy BMW car linked them to the scene.

Evidence found in mobile phones was also crucial in snaring the four.

A photo of a Italian-made pump action shotgun was said to have been taken in Moyes home.

A second snap shown to the jury had a semi-naked Walker lying face down on a bed next to the same firearm.

A third mobile phone picture had Walker and Bennett together with the gun in shot.

Jurors heard how WhatsApp chats between Walker and McCreadie further helped them get caught.

This included a joking McCreadie talking about being “buckled” at what happened and still hearing “bangs” from that night.

Prosecutor Miss Campbell said all four gang members had been part of a “plan” to commit the crimes.

It emerged the home of Ellen Graham in nearby Barmulloch was also targeted the same night as Daniel's.

The 47 year-old recalled: “I heard a loud bang and I thought someone hit the car of my son John.

“I thought it was one of John's friends who asked if he was in. There was a shout of 'get f*g John'.

“I realised it was not a friend, but someone after him.”

The mum said a man also put a taser at her face. The woman also recalled a small blonde woman sitting in a car nearby.

All four were convicted of possessing  a firearm or an imitation firearm with the intention to cause Graham, McGlaughlin and Daniel harm.

They were also found guilty of with acting in a threatening and abusive manner to cause a reasonable person fear or alarm.

Lastly, they were convicted of behaving in a disorderly manner by repeatedly discharging a firearm.

Judge Lord Armstrong told them: "I will continue this until June 21st and you will all be remanded in custody.''