Gang abducts man in ``violent and terrifying attack''

Published 26th Nov 2015

A man has been assaulted by a masked gang and forced into a car in a violent and terrifying attack''.

The incident happened in Stewartfield Grove, East Kilbride, at about 11pm on Tuesday and saw the 34-year-old man assaulted by four men wearing masks and dark clothing.

Police said the victim was then chased into McLean Crescent and forced into a dark car. He was driven more than 20 miles to the Brownrigg Road area of Slamannan, Falkirk, where he was released.

The victim was taken to hospital and treated for injuries to the head, hands and feet. His condition is described as serious but stable.

Detective Inspector Kevin Jamieson said: This was a particularly violent and terrifying attack in a residential area which was witnessed by members of the local community.

The victim is still receiving treatment in hospital and as a result has been unable to assist officers with their inquiries so far. It is of utmost importance that we trace the men responsible as soon as possible and I am appealing directly for every person who may have witnessed what happened to contact police.

I would like to reassure the community that we do believe this was a targeted attack and inquiries are continuing to establish a motive. I would encourage anyone who may be able to help us with this to come forward.

I would also ask anyone who was in the Slamannan area and saw the car or anything suspicious to get in touch. No matter how insignificant you think your information might be, let us be the judge of that because it could turn out to be vital to our investigation.

There will be additional officers in the Stewartfield area so please go up and speak to them if you have any information or call the incident room at East Kilbride police station on 01355 564 013.

Alternatively you can call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where details can be given in confidence.''