Further arrest over alleged abuse at closed orphanage

Smyllum Park
Published 31st Aug 2018

A twelfth woman has been arrested in connection with alleged historical abuse of children at an orphanage. Eleven women and one man, aged between 62 and 85, have already been arrested as part of an investigation into Smyllum Park, the Lanark home which was run by the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul and closed in 1981.

Former residents spoke about their experiences of Smyllum Park at Scotland's child abuse inquiry earlier this year.

Those arrested, who include nuns, have been charged in connection with the non-recent abuse of children.

Police Scotland said a further four individuals would be reported to prosecutors.

The force said on Friday a 76-year-old woman has now been arrested and charged in connection with the non-recent abuse of children.

A report will be made to prosecutors in due course.