Funeral of Glasgow Shopkeeper Asad Shah takes place

The funeral has taken place of a respected Glasgow shopkeeper who died after he was attacked outside his store.

Published 2nd Apr 2016

The funeral has taken place of a respected Glasgow shopkeeper who died after he was attacked outside his store.

Family and friends of Asad Shah gathered for prayers at the Bait-Ur-Rahman Mosque at the Ahmadiyya Muslim Centre in the west of the city.

The 40-year-old was found injured outside his convenience store in the Shawlands area of Glasgow on March 24, after an attack which police described as religiously prejudiced.

Tanveer Ahmed, 32, from Bradford in West Yorkshire, has since appeared in court charged with murder.

Mr Shah, a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community, was born in Rabwah, Pakistan, and moved to Glasgow in 1998 to join his father in business.

Prayers were led at the hour-long service by Mansoor Shah, vice president of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community UK.

Inside the hall at the mosque in the city's Yorkhill area reads the message: “Love For All Hatred For None”.

Abdul Abid, president of the Ahmadiyya community in Scotland, said after the service: “We are sad that a very popular man of our community is not with us any more.

“I don't know how we will survive without him. He was a polite, gentle person.

“Today's service is in his memory and we are proud to have had such a wonderful person amongst our community.”