Fuel Allowance 'Drop In Value'

Published 20th Dec 2014

The value of a UK Government scheme to help pensioners heat their homes in the winter has dropped by nearly a quarter since the start of the century, according to the SNP. A freeze on the basic payment level since 2001 has resulted in a 24.6% drop in the real terms value of the winter fuel allowance, figures obtained by the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (Spice) said. SNP MSP Chic Brodie, a member of the Energy, Economy and Tourism Committee, said: This is just the latest example of Westminster's sustained attack on the poor - and this time it is Scotland's poorer pensioners who are the victims of Tory and Labour neglect.ÂŁMany pensioners in Scotland live on small and modest earnings - the winter fuel allowance is a vital payment and it exists to try and make sure they don't have to compromise between paying for groceries or heating their homes during the winter months.ÂŁ Energy bills have increased by over 37% since 2000-01 and if winter fuel allowance had increased by inflation since 2000-01, pensioners would be ÂŁ76 better off in 2014-15 than they are.ÂŁThe transfer of control of the winter fuel allowance - as recommended by the Smith Commission - is welcome but without any clear timetabling of when this will happen we need immediate action to make sure not one pensioner in Scotland is afraid to put their heating on this winter.ÂŁ If this Smith Commission recommendation is not passed over with immediate effect then Westminster must in the near future increase the payment in line with inflation.ÂŁThe SNP will continue to campaign for full powers on welfare and pensions and will use these to make Scotland a fairer, more prosperous place, we will argue at next year's general election to argue for full welfare and pension powers to be transferred to Scotland - to ensure our older people get a fair deal.''