Four behind bars after Glasgow slavery trial

Four men are behind bars after a campaign of kidnappings, violence and intimidation against terrified workers.

Published 14th Feb 2018
Last updated 14th Feb 2018

Four men are behind bars after a campaign of kidnappings, violence and intimidation against terrified workers.

The clan were lead by fearsome– nicknamed The Tank Commander.

The 65 year-old Robert McPhee worked with sons 45 year-old James and 37 year-old Steven McPhee as well as son-in-law 38 year-old John Millerto prey on vulnerable men.

The victims - eight in total - came from broken or troubled backgrounds.

They were promised work and money doing jobs such as mono-blocking driveways for the notorious family.

But, the men did mammoth shifts for little or no pay – and were brutally punished if they complained or attempted to escape the gang's clutches.

One tortured victim told how he was battered and “taught a lesson” when he tried to get away.

Another lived in a caravan with no water or toilet – before later being told he was “owned” by the family.

Jurors heard further grim evidence of a petrified worker “left cowering like a dog” due to the abuse.

One man who fled was also told he had a £5,000 bounty on his head and would be “skinned” with a razor unless he returned.

The gang denied the charges claiming they were picked on by “overzealous” police.

It was stated the family had shown “kindness, generosity and tolerance” to workers.

James McPhee even insisted the men had been “so evil” by making up “fantasies”.

But, they were found guilty following a five week trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

Robert McPhee – known as Bobby – was convicted of 14 charges, James McPhee eight and John Miller was found guilty of two.

The catalogue of crimes included abductions, assaults and holding workers against their will or in “servitude”.

Steven McPhee had also stood trial, but he admitted to an assaulting one worker near the end of the case.

The crimes spanned between 1992 and 2016.

The thug family made a good living from their mono-blocking, slabbing and tree cutting businesses.

They stayed at a number of traveller sites across Scotland including one in Bathgate, West Lothian and another in Larkhall, South Lanarkshire.

They latterly had a base at Curryside Piggery in Shotts, South Lanarkshire.

Prosecutors said workers were “well chosen” due to being “vulnerable” making them “ripe” to be manipulated.

James Keith was a homeless teenager when he was approached.

He was kept in a caravan with no running water.

James was “scared” of Robert McPhee who dished out beatings if more work had not been generated.

James later fled in terror, but remembered being “captured”.

He told the trial: “You had no option, but to go back. You did not get an option.”

The man ended up working for James McPhee – who said he had “bought” him from his father.

James felt “like a bit of property”. He was told it would take “a good few grand” to release the hold over him.

James got to know John Anderson – another victim who regularly suffered.

James even married John's sister Christina after a whirlwind romance.

It was to her home in Paisley, Renfrewshire that the men once escaped to.

But, James McPhee tracked them down and told Christina: “Your are divorced now.”

The mum recalled: “I have never seen him (her husband) go so white in his life – white with fear.”

John Anderson meantime revealed how he was “taught a lesson” after he once fled to England.

He was taken to Larkhall where Robert McPhee punched, kicked and hit him with a broom.

The witness stated: “James (McPhee) told me that it was time to meet his dad. I knew what he meant. I was to get a beating.”

He described how he was allegedly attacked in the kitchen by Robert McPhee – known as Bobby - and ended up grounded.

The man said he was punched “all over”, hit with a broom and kicked.

Prosecutor Kath Harper asked: “How strong was Bobby?”

He replied: “A very, very strong man. He is a tank.”

Miss Harper: “Did you say anything?”

Mr Anderson: “I will never do it again...stop, please. I thought I was going to die.

“I thought that this was going to be the end.”

He added: “I was curled up in a ball...I was not looking. In this situation, you block it out and wait for it to finish.”

Other victims included Kieran Williams.

He was another who tried to escape before being found by Robert McPhee and John Miller.

Miller had earlier threatened to “skin” the terrified victim with a razor.

Kieran was also told there was a £5,000 “reward” on his head if anyone found them before they did.

Graeme Lamb meantime was caught at Glasgow Central train station and hauled back when he attempted to get away.

He was threatened, forced in a car and taken to the Curryside Piggery.

Brian McEwen was beaten so often by Robert McPhee that he was “yelping in pain and cowering like a dog”.

He was also made to eat a jar of coffee granules.

William Milton told how he felt “owned” and was once punched so severely his ear-drum burst.

Benjamin McPhilemy was assaulted by Steven McPhee while Thomas Kenny was thumped by Robert McPhee.

The gang was snared during a large scale police probe that began in 2016.

In her closing speech to the jury, Miss Harper said victims' accounts had shown a “culture of control and violence” at the hands of the McPhee family.

Robert McPhee was found guilty of offences against the eight men.

He was convicted of assaulting all of them as well as abducting and holding Graeme Lamb and Kieran Williams in “servitude”.

James McPhee was guilty of attacks on John Anderson, James Keith, Christina Anderson as well as assaulting and abducting William Milton.

John Miller was convicted of abducting and holding Kieran Williams in “servitude”.

It emerged after the verdicts that all four have criminal pasts.

This includes James and Steven McPhee being locked up for more than five years in 2009 for a machete attack.

Robert McPhee has convictions for fraud and possession of a bladed weapon.

Miller was guilty of assault and abduction at Falkirk Sheriff Court in 2005.

The four were remanded in custody by Lady Stacey pending sentencing next month.

Robert McPhee and John Miller face a further Proceeds of Crime confiscation order hearing in May.

Prosecutors also said they wish for a Trafficking and Exploitation Prevention Order to be considered against the pair.

Detective Chief Inspector Kevin Jamieson who led the operation said:

“The men preyed on vulnerable young adults, including those living in homeless accommodation, and lured them into working for them with the promise of a much better life. They then carried out sickening acts of violence on them and continued to exploit them, forcing them to carry out heavy manual labour work with absolutely no return.

“Despite the horrific ordeal the victims were subjected to, they have had the courage to speak out about what happened and their information has been vital to investigating this case. I would like to thank them for their bravery in what must have been a very daunting task to report their experiences to police and then have the courage to provide their evidence in court. I hope today’s verdict can in some way help them to move forward with their lives.

“There may well be other victims who have suffered at the hands of these men, and I would encourage them to come forward. Human exploitation in any form, including being held against your will or being coerced to work for no payment, is utterly unacceptable in our communities. We will continue to work with partners locally and overseas to bring those responsible for carrying out such breaches of basic human rights to justice.

“A team of officers worked tirelessly throughout this investigation and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their dedication and commitment to this sensitive and extensive inquiry. The investigation team has been fully supported by colleagues and partners from a number of areas including the local Public Protection Unit, The National Human Trafficking Unit, based at the Scottish Crime Campus, and The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.

“Our priority was and remains, to provide immediate care and support to the victims, and we were assisted in this by North and South Lanarkshire Council, NHS Lanarkshire, Red Cross, Migrant Help, Social Work and COPFS.”

Detective Superintendent Stuart Houston of the National Human Trafficking Unit, based at the Scottish Crime Campus, said:

“These crimes are challenging and complex to investigate, but we are determined to improve the intelligence picture in order to gain a better understanding of trafficking in Scotland and the organised crime groups who are involved.

“Working with partners, we will assess the threat and develop intelligence to safeguard those at risk of, and vulnerable to, human trafficking while identifying those committing, facilitating and profiting from exploitation.

“Police Scotland’s National Human Trafficking Unit leads, co-ordinates and supports the Force’s response to investigating all forms of trafficking.”