Former South Ayrshire councillor who killed husband - believing he wanted help to die - walks free

Susanne Wilson smothered Henry with a cushion in September 2016

Published 9th Jan 2018

A former South Ayrshire councillor who killed her sick husband of 50 years because she believed he wanted her to help him die walked free from court yesterday.

Susanne Wilson who smothered 70 year-old Henry with a cushion at their home in Ayr, South Ayrshire, in September 2016, was admonished by a judge.

Judge Lady Rae told Mrs Wilson she was taking the unusual step due to "exceptional circumstances.”

Yesterday, at the High Court in Glasgow Lady Rae told Mrs Wilson: “This was a very tragic case. There are exceptional circumstances and punishment would not be in the interests of justice.

“The main reason was your mental health at the time of the death of your husband. There is no reason to suggest that you are any risk whatsoever to the public.

“You are therefore admonished and dismissed. I hope you get on with the rest of your life.”

Mrs Wilson,a retired nurse, had been the carer for her housebound husband, who suffered from chronic heart disease.

But, 72 year-old Mrs Wilson was also struggling to come to terms with sex abuse allegations against her husband.

It was shortly after Mr Wilson spoke to one of his accusers – and with his health failing – his wife killed him.

Mrs Wilson – who once faced a murder accusation – admitted to the lesser charge of culpable homicide.

Prosecutors accepted the plea on the basis of her “diminished responsibility” at the time due to the strain she was under.

The court heard that Mr Wilson, a retired Butlins shop manager, who was in poor health, had previously tried to commit suicide.

His wife was a Labour councillor in Troon, South Ayrshire in the late 90s.

The couple were married for 50 years and had three children.

Prosecutor Bill McVicar said: “Mrs Wilson accepted the accusations against her husband were true, but continued to live in the same house to provide constant care.”

Others who had helped share the care of Mr Wilson – stopped visiting due to the sex abuse claims.

September 3, 2017 – the day of the killing - Mr Wilson suddenly asked his wife to contact one of the people who had accused him.

He went on to speak to the individual on the phone – but this caused “anxiety” to Mrs Wilson.

After the call, she was described as “very angry” and went on to hit her husband with a plastic jug, leaving him bleeding.

Mr Wilson then spoke about ending his life with drugs.

She left out medication she had previously been prescribed and left the house to visit a neighbour.

When she got back, she noticed her husband had taken some of the medication and was struggling to breathe.

She helped him to bed and as his breathing worsened he said to her: “Help me.”

Mr McVicar said:“She took that as a request that she should help him to die.

“She describes feeling only compassion for him and thinking that this had to stop.

“She then smothered him by placing a cushion over his face and holding it there with some degree of force restricting his breathing until he died.”

She then dialled 999 and confessed to police.

The court heard that at the time of the killing Mrs Wilson suffered from depression.

Gordon Jackson QC defending, said when Mrs Wilson returned home that evening her husband was in a "very, very bad way" and she helped him to lie down

Mr Jackson added: "He said 'Sue, help me' and Mrs Wilson told me "At that point I knew what he wanted me to do and I did that".

He added: "She now finds it quite horrifying as she has gotten a bit better mentally."

The defence QC said that Mrs Wilson intends to volunteer at a hospital which has helped her with her mental health, teaching embroidery to patients.

She made no comment as she left court.