Former soldier recalls the night his best friend was shot at traffic lights in Glasgow

Published 1st May 2018
Last updated 1st May 2018

A former soldier told a murder trial he saw blood on Euan Johnston and a hole in his head. Brian McMahon, 31, said that seconds earlier he and Mr Johnston, who was his best friend were sitting at traffic lights on red.

Mr McMahon, who was sitting in the front passenger seat of the Audi RS4, told prosecutor Alex Prentice QC that he never heard any gunshots.

He said that the first he knew something was wrong was when the driver's side window shattered.

Mr McMahon, from Glasgow, told the jury at the High Court in Glasgow: “The window smashed in and we shot forward and crashed into traffic lights and a barrier.”

Mr Prentice asked: “What did you see when the car came to rest,” and Mr McMahon, who served in the Scots Guards, replied: “Blood on Euan.”

He was then asked: “Was there blood on you,” and said: “Yes.”

Mr McMahon told the jurors that Mr Johnston was “unresponsive” and added: “I was shouting on him.”

The witness told the court that he got out the passenger seat and walked round to the driver's side and opened the door.

He added: “I tried to see what was wrong At the side of Euan's head there was was hole.”

Mr Prentice asked Mr McMahon: “What was your emotional condition,” and he replied: “Not good. I kept shouting 'Euan' to see if I could get an answer. “

The court was told that a man called David Green, who knew both Mr McMahon and Mr Johnston, turned up at the scene.

Mr McMahon said: “He asked what had happened. I said 'Euan I think he's been shot.”

Mr Prentice asked the witness: “Is that the conclusion you came to, “ and he replied: “Yes.”

The prosecutor then said: “Even though you said you didn't hear the sound of gunfire,” and he replied: “No, I didn't.”

Mr McMahon said that he phoned for an ambulance and was then asked if Mr Johnston was breathing and replied: “Very slightly.”

The witness said that he was told by the 999 operator to try to stem the blood and took off his zipper jacket and put it on Mr Johnston's head.

Mr McMahon, 31, who said that he had known Mr Johnston all his life was giving evidence at the trial of Anthony Ruthven, 33, and David Scott, 33, who deny murdering Euan “EJ” Johnston in Kinning Park, Glasgow, on November 15 last year.

Prosecutors claim the pair - while acting with others unknown - repeatedly discharged a firearm at Mr Johnston from an Audi Q5 - and then sped off.

Ruthven also denies separate charges of attempted murder and assault in connection with alleged incidents on August 12 2016.

Mr McMahon said that around 5pm or 6 pm on November 15, 2016, Mr Johnston called and they decided to go out later for something to eat.

CCTV footage of the two men eating a meal in the Red Pepper restaurant in St Andrews Road, Glasgow was played in court.

Me Prentice asked: "Were you sitting next to the window would someone looking in see you," and Mr McMahon replied: "Yes."

Jurors also saw Mr Johnston pay for the meal and then the two men walking back to their car which was parked on the opposite side of the road.

Minutes after driving off at 11.37pm Mr Johnston was shot.

Mr McMahon told the court that as far as he knew Mr Johnston did not work apart from helping out from time to time at the London Road car wash.

Donald Findlay QC, defending Ruthven, said: “Mr Johnston never had a proper job in his life, he had a nice car and was never short of money was he,” and Mr McMahon replied: “No.”

The QC then asked: “How much money was in his pockets the day he died. It might be as much as £4,000,” and Mr McMahon said: “i've no idea.”

The jury heard that at the time of his death Mr Johnston was on an indictment along with Mr McMahon and Gary Bradburn accused of being concerned in the supply of heroin.

Mr McMahon told the court that Mr Johnston was his normal self that night. He agreed he was easy going and happy-go-lucky.

He said that Mr Johnston was not security conscious and did not take and steps to protect himself.

Mr Findlay asked: "Were you there as a friend or were you his minder," Mr McMahon replied: "Euan was my friend."

Mr McMahon was then asked if he knew anyone called by the surname Daniel and replied: "Yes I know one Robert Daniel. I used to go to his garage in Maryhill."

He told that court Mr Johnston also knew Mr Daniel.

He was then asked by Mr Findlay if he knew anyone called Lyons and replied: "Not that I knew of."

David Callander, 31, from Glasgow, who has learning difficulties and ADHD, told police in an interview that he was in a Glasgow flat where he heard Ruthven say: 'Bang, I nipped that EJ. We pulled up at the lights and I f***ing shot him. I was sitting in the back passenger seat and I put the window down and done him.”

However, in evidence Mr Callander denied ever being in the flat or hearing Ruthven say anything.

He was asked by Mr Prentice: “Did you answer the police questions,” and Mr Callander replied: “Aye, but I didn't understand them. I just agreed with them. They were telling me what to say.”

The trial before Lady Stacey continues.