Former sister-in-law of murder accused takes to stand in Surjit Singh Chhokar trial

The former sister-in-law of murder accused Ronnie Coulter has told a jury he said: “I stabbed the P*** bastard.”

Published 28th Sep 2016

The former sister-in-law of murder accused Ronnie Coulter has told a jury he said: “I stabbed the P* bastard.”**

Noreen McPolland, 54, was giving evidence at the trial of Coulter, 48, from Wishaw, who denies murdering Surjit Singh Chhokar – known by everyone as Chhokar - in Garrion Street, Overtown, North Lanarkshire on November 4, 1998 by stabbing him.

Ms McPolland, who was married to Coulter's brother Andrew for 15 year, told the High Court in Glasgow that the alleged confession was made when she visited Coulter in Barlinnie prison while he was on remand awaiting trial for Chhokar's murder in 1998 or 1999.

She was asked by prosecutor Alex Prentice QC: “Did Ronnie Coulter ever say anything about the death of Surjit Singh Chhokar,” and replied: “He said 'I stabbed him. I stabbed the P*** bastard..”

Ms McPolland told the jury that she had been visiting Coulter in prison along with his sister Margaret Chisholm when he made the remarks.

She added: “Margaret told him to own up to what he had done and he told us he had stabbed Mr Chhokar.”

Mr Prentice asked: “What was your reaction,” and she replied: “I got up and went to the canteen and I bought some stuff. I didn't want involved in it.”

The prosecutor then asked if Coulter had said anything else and Ms McPolland said he had when he visited his brother just days after the death of Chhokar.

Mr Prentice said: “Did he make any reference to the death of Chhokar,” and she responded saying: “My husband asked him if if he had stabbed Mr Chhokar. He said he had stabbed Mr Chhokar.

“He said Mr Chhokar was shouting after he had stabbed him. He was shouting 'Liz, Liz they've stabbed me.'

The jury has heard that Ronnie Coulter, his nephew Andrew Coulter and David Montgomery went to see Chhokar on November 4, 1998, in a row over a £100 Giro cheque.

After an altercation 32-year-old Chhokar collapsed dying in the street in front of his partner Liz Bryce.

In evidence given earlier in the trial Andrew Coulter admitted hitting Chhokar on the arm with a home-made lead-filled bat, but denied stabbing him. Montgomery also denies stabbing him.

Pathologist Dr Marjorie Turner revealed that Chhokar was stabbed in the chest three times and died from massive blood loss.

The fatal blow went right though his heart.

Dr Turner said that a second stab wound penetrated the bowel and was “also potentially life-threatening.

The third wound went into the sac round the heart, but did not injure the heart or any major structures in the body.

When asked if the injuries were caused by one or more than one attacker Dr Turner said: “I would favour a single assailant.”

Ronnie Coulter has lodged a special defence to the murder charge blaming his nephew Andrew Coulter and David Montgomery.

Both men in evidence denied having anything to do with the killing of Chhokar.

Ronnie Coulter denies all the charges against him.

Defence QC Donald Findlay accused Ms McPolland of lying and said: “You are an actress and putting on an act here,” and she replied: “I'm not an actress. I'm telling the truth.”

She added: “It's time the Chhokar family got justice and closure.”

Mr Findlay said: “All these years you claim to have known all these things and you never told anyone,” and Ms McPolland stated: “I was a coward.”

The QC went on: “You have come here today quite deliberately to make up a story just to try to get Ronnie convicted of this crime,” and she responded: “No that's not true.”

At the close of the Crown case prosecutor Alex Prentice QC withdrew two charges of attempting to defeat the ends of justice and stealing a cooker, obtaining a £100 Giro cheque by fraud.

Coulter now only faces a charge of murdering Surjit Singh Chhokar which he denies.

The trial continues.