Former Celtic player and his partner talk about the loss of their baby

Kris Commons and Lisa Hague lost little Lola in 2008 - she was stillborn

Published 15th Oct 2017

As Baby Loss Awareness week comes to a close with the Wave of Light we're speaking to former Celtic player Kris Commons and his partner Lisa Hague about the loss of their baby in 2008 and how we need to lift the taboo over speaking about the death of a baby.

Little Lola was stillborn at full term after Lisa caught a virus in the last stage of her pregnancy.

They didn't find this news out until after Lola was born and a port-mortem was carried out.

The couple say they'd never heard of anyone who'd had a stillborn baby before and they had no idea what to do or how to act.

That's why they want people to know their story and to speak about what's happened.

Lisa is now an Ambassador for SiMBA - a baby loss charity who support bereaved parents.

And she tell our reporter Vicky Murray about losing Lola, her regrets and life after...

The death of little Lola was also hard on Kris but he threw himself into his work...

Tonight we're being asked to take part in the Wave of Light and place a lit candle in our window at 7pm to remember all the babies lost.

15 babies are stillborn or die shortly after birth each year in the UK.