Football coach trial hears those in power more likely to be successful in grooming victims

Published 29th Oct 2018
Last updated 29th Oct 2018

Jurors on the trial of an ex Celtic Boy's club manager have heard "people in authority" are more likely to be "successful in grooming" abuse victims.

The trial at the High Court in Glasgow heard from consultant psychologist Dr John Marshall who gave evidence at the trial of Jim Torbett, 71, today.

Torbett, from Kelvindale, Glasgow denies sexually abusing four boys between June 1985 and August 1994.

Dr Marshall explained a term known to forensic psychology as “delayed disclosure” which he described as the period of delay between someone being sexually abused and reporting it.

He said it's “often the case” that people might “test the water” and speak to someone they trust first.

The witness added: “It has been shown if someone discloses to a family member or friend and they have a negative reaction to that disclosure or non-supportive or non-believing the individual can close down and delay disclosure for a longer period beyond that.”

Advocate depute Sheena Fraser asked about if the person receives a positive reaction and Dr Marshall said "They might be more likely to go to authorities to report the abuse”.

He said that the generally people in authority are “more likely to be successful in grooming victims”.

Mrs Fraser asked: “What do you mean by grooming?”

Dr Marshall replied: “Grooming would be the slow process of gaining trust of a child with the purpose of carrying out sexual abuse of them.”

Mrs Franser continued: “Would that be, for example, buying the child sweets?”

The witness replied: “Getting to know them, getting to know their interests, spending lots of time with them, buying them gifts.”

He was asked about gender and how that an affect the “timing of disclosure”.

Dr Marshall said research and clinical experience shows men experience “extreme levels of embarrassment and shame”.

He said: "They also often report their sense of power or strength as a male should have been used to stop the abuse from taking place.

"They tend to think of the abuse as an adult male rather than how they were as a child and more vulnerable."

During cross-examination by defence QC Tony Graham, Dr Marshall said there are around a dozen studies involving men, but much more research about female victims of alleged sexual abuse.

He said that one study – carried out in Boston – was the only one involving sports coaches but they were “lumped together for analysis” with clergymen and family members as alleged perpetrators

Mr Graham put to the witness that there would be “merit” in separating the different groups.

Dr Marshall replied: “Yes, it's possible there wasn't enough in the sample.”

Jurors heard that in relation to the studies focusing on men, they were carried out mainly in Canada and America.

Mr Graham asked: “Are there any European studies in relation to coaches?”

The witness said there was none.

When asked how many men were involved in relation to UK studies about delayed disclosure generally, he estimated between 50 and 100.

Jurors heard of another study in Sweden that looked at a sample of cases with active court proceedings involving men and women alleging abuse, that the researchers took the view there was “sufficient evidence” to suggest guilt.

And, that of that study, 22 percent of participants, which amounted to 13, were male.

Mr Graham asked: “In relation to this, the qualitative assessment of the sufficiency of evidence, never mind credibility or reliability, sufficient evidence was not reviewed by a lawyer?”

Dr Marshall replied: “Not to my knowledge, that's correct.”

The trial before Lord Beckett continues.