Five more members of Scotland's top gang handed court orders

Five more members of Scotland's top gang have each been hit with strict court orders as the crackdown continues on the mob.

Published 26th Jan 2018

Five more members of Scotland's top gang have each been hit with strict court orders as the crackdown continues on the mob.

50 year-old David Sell, 44 year-old Anthony Woods, 31 year-old Michael Bowman, 41 year-old Francis Mulligan, and 37 year-old Martyn Fitzsimmons were slapped with Serious Crime Prevention Orders.

Prosecutors earlier applied for SCPOs which are designed to tackle organised criminal gangs.

Lord Beckett today/yesterday imposed the orders on the five, who were part of a nine strong mob jailed for a total of 87 years earlier this week.

The exact details were not revealed at the High Court in Glasgow – but they will last for five years against each of the clan.

But, it is believed restrictions placed on the clan include associations they may have with certain individuals.

Some are also affected if they wish to travel outside Scotland on their release.

This includes Woods having to notify within 24 hours if he wanted to go to elsewhere in the UK for work.

The court was told Woods had been involved with a plumbing business.

A number of the gang will also have certain restrictions placed on internet use and bank accounts.

Two others - 37 year-old Barry O'Neill and 30 year-old Mark Richardson - will return to court in March as the attempt to hit them with SCPOs continues.

Another two - 33 year-old Steven McArdle and 42 year-old Gerard Docherty - have already had five year orders made against them.