First Minister leads Pride parade in Glasgow

It's the largest Pride event in Glasgow

Published 14th Jul 2018

Nicola Sturgeon has led off thousands of marchers at Scotland's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) pride event.

The First Minister is the first serving prime minister or first minister in the UK to march at a pride event.

Wearning a t-shirt with a rainbow coloured choose love logo, she headed up the Glasgow Pride as it left the city's Clyde Place, alongside Suki Wan, chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament.

Ms Sturgeon was named honorary grand marshal for the event in recognition of her long-standing support for LGBTI equality.

She was joined by a cross-party group of MSPs at the start of the parade, including Green co-convener Patrick Harvie, Liberal Democrat Alex Cole-Hamilton, Conservative Jamie Greene and the SNP's Christina McKelvie.

Thousands of people, many carrying rainbow flags or holding placards, marched behind as the parade crossed the river and headed through the city to Kelvingrove Park.

Ms Sturgeon said earlier: "I'm proud that Scotland is considered to be one of the most progressive countries in Europe regarding LGBTI equality and Pride Glasgow is a fantastic event that brings communities together and celebrates all that LGBTI people bring to Scottish life.

"As a society we must champion equality and fairness at all times and defend the progress that has been made."