First aid in schools campaign backed by boy who saved mum's life

A young boy who helped save his mother's life after she collapsed unconscious is calling for first aid to be taught in all state primary schools.

Published 12th Nov 2018

Lyndsey Baxter, who suffers from chronic heart failure and is waiting for a new heart, says she owes her 'hero' son her life following his actions two-and-a-half years ago.

In April 2016, when her son Cayden Mcauley was just six years old, she fell unconscious while walking to the shops with him.

Having learned some basic first aid from the nurses at the hospital where his mother is a regular inpatient, Cayden managed to sit her up against a wall, used his own jacket to keep her warm and, unable to unlock his mother's phone, sought the help of a passing taxi driver to call an ambulance.

The Glasgow boy, now aged eight, is backing St Andrew's First Aid's public petition, which calls for basic first aid to be taught at all primary schools.

Ms Baxter said: 'To me, St Andrew's First Aid's petition is both really positive and really important. It would be a great thing if younger children across Scotland had the opportunity to learn vital first aid skills, which could help save a life.

'I have chronic heart failure and since the day I was discharged from hospital with my diagnosis, Cayden has been hands-on in making sure I am always OK.

'The incident when I passed out must have been very scary for him. He says it felt like a lifetime in trying to get help. If it wasn't for his actions and calm approach in knowing what to do, it could have been a very different ending.

'I literally owe my life to him and he will always be my hero.'

Since the incident in April 2016, Cayden has gone on to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), which he undertook at a free Save a Life for Scotland partnership event at Glasgow LIVE!, and has also been shortlisted in this year's St Andrew's First Aid Scottish First Aid Awards.

He is urging people across the country to sign the petition, which has been lodged with the Scottish Parliament and is open until December 6.

Cayden said: 'With mum's condition, it is really important to me to know what to do if something happens to her. I feel a lot more confident having the first aid skills that I have learned.

'It would be great if other children had the opportunity to learn first aid too, so that they could help other people or members of their family, should they ever need it.'

The petition is open until December 6 2018 and can be found on the Scottish Parliament website at:

Stuart Callison, chief executive of St Andrew's First Aid, said: 'Cayden is a shining example of how very young children have the capacity and ability to learn - and deliver - first aid.

'Whilst any incident when it happens can feel overwhelming, children who are equipped with even basic first aid knowledge have time and time again demonstrated that they can make a real difference and potentially save someone's life.'