Final man cleared of murdering Gary Weir in Shettleston

Published 1st Dec 2017

A man walked free from court after being cleared of murdering 24-year-old Gary Weir by stabbing him through the heart.

Michael Gentles, 21, from Glasgow, was found not guilty of murdering Mr Weir on August 7, last year, at Old Shettleston Road, Glasgow.

He was also cleared of attempting to murder David Shannon, Gary Phinn and James Phinn.

There was shouting, screaming and crying in the High Court in Glasgow when the verdicts were announced.

Relatives of Mr Weir stormed out and one woman shouted: 'It's a f***ing joke.'

Judge Lord Mulholland told Mr Gentles: 'In light of the verdicts from the jury you are discharged from the dock and are free to go.'

Lord Mulholland then said to the jurors: 'These things are very emotional for the personnel of the families involved. I've been doing this job for many years and this is not anything out of the ordinary.'

The court heard that a fight broke out after revellers from a 21st birthday party at Shettleston Juniors Social Club and another group from had been drinking in the nearby Marquis Bar clashed.

Mr Weir was stabbed in the heart and died. Three of his friends Mr Shannon and Gary and James Phinn were also stabbed in the incident which broke out after a cigarette was flicked into the crowd

In evidence Mr Gentles said: 'I'm no killer.'

He claimed he saw his former co-accused John Kelly, 22, from Glasgow, who was earlier cleared of murder make two stabbing motions towards Mr Weir.

Mr Kelly told the court the only person he saw with a knife was Mr Gentles and added: 'When he was fighting with people I think he was using it against them. The knife was in his right hand. I was shocked I just couldn't believe it.'

John Kelly, Adam Williams, 21, Liam Stead, 21, and John Graham, 21,from Glasgow, who were all accused of murder and attempted murder walked free from court during the trial after prosecutor Bill McVicar withdrew the charges against them.