Family Release Footage of Teenager Left Brain-Damaged By Ecstasy

Published 10th Sep 2015

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}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); The family of a teenager left brain-damaged after taking an ecstasy tablet have released a video showing how her life has changed.

> Thanks everyone. Thank you for your support everyone.> > > Posted by on Monday, 7 September 2015

Amy Thomson, 16, is now in a wheelchair after collapsing in June.

She spent weeks in hospital after reportedly taking the drug at a party. The video posted on social media shows the Glasgow teenager in her wheelchair. She waves slowly at the camera and says: "Thank-you everyone.'' The video, posted on her mother Tricia's Facebook page, has received many messages of support. Laura Anderson wrote: "You're doing amazing Amy,'' while Cheryl Mcphee posted: "Amazing Amy, keep up the good work and you will get stronger.'' Susan Forbes wrote: "So proud of you Amy and Tricia,'' and Karla Shennan said: "Absolutely amazing Amy, well done girl.'' Amy's family have said they are hopeful she will improve further with the right care and support.