Family Plea Following Falkirk Death

The family of an Eastern European woman who died, allegedly murdered, in a quiet Scots street begged today for help in getting her body home.

Published 11th Dec 2014

The family of an Eastern European woman who died, allegedly murdered, in a quiet Scots street begged today for help in getting her body home.

The victim was identified as Luciana Maurer, 23, a mother of one with a seven-year-old daughter, who had left her home in Transylvania, Romania, to come to Scotland to earn money to send home to her family.

She had hoped to return to Transylvania for Christmas - but she was found dead after police rushed to a detached house in a middle-class estate in Falkirk, Stirlingshire, in the early hours last Friday (5 December).

Steven Mathieson, 38, who lived at the property where the body was found, has been arrested and charged with murder.

Luciana's younger sister, Denisa Zoltan, said the family were "in great pain".

She said they had been told it might cost 8000 to 10,000 Euros to sent her body back to Medias, one of the oldest towns in Transylvania.

She said: "We hope that the Romanian authorities and embassy will help us."

Denisa wrote on her Facebook: "Pain is great in Medias. We will not forget. Rest in peace -- you are among the angels, never leave me. There you rest but what do I do without you? I love you with all my heart."

Police Scotland swarmed Springfield Drive, near the Forth and Clyde Canal where the body was found, and carried out door to door inquiries.

Romanian journalist Dragos Popescu, who has spoken with Luciana's family, said: "Her parents spoke to her last Wednesday.

"They spoke to her on the phone and young Luciana told them she would return by Christmas.

"The last time Luciana was at home was in August to see her daughter.

"She sent home between 300-400 euros every month for her family.

"Her parents did not know at all that their daughter had arrived in Scotland.

"She comes from a poor family who have been told it will cost them 10,000 Euros to repatriate her body, but they do not have this money so it is a problem for them."

Steven Mathieson appeared in private, on petition, at Falkirk Sheriff Court on Monday 8 Dec charged with murdering Luciana, and abducting and raping two other women on the same occasion.

He made neither plea nor declaration, and was remanded in custody by Sheriff William Gallacher.

He is due to appear again on Tuesday.

Residents expressed their shock at such an incident taking place in their street.

One said: "It just seems unreal.

"Everyone is being stopped by police when they are coming home or leaving the house.

"It's a terrible thing to have happened, it's something you don't think will happen right on your doorstep.

"Everyone is really shocked about it."