Fake Designer Goods Given To Charity

Published 4th Feb 2015

Fake designer clothes worth thousands of pounds which have been seized by police are being donated to charity.

Officers will hand over the counterfeit goods, including fake designer boots and tracksuits, to staff at the Glasgow the Caring City charity today, who will ship them overseas.

It is thought the items, which were confiscated during raids between 2010 and 2012, are worth more than ÂŁ50,000.

Chief Inspector David Pettigrew from Police Scotland said: "Rather than destroying the clothing, we thought it would make more sense that a local charity benefit from the donation.

"We have the consent and support of the brands to make the donation, for which we are very grateful.''

Reverend Neil Galbraith, the charity's chief executive, thanked the force for the "remarkable'' donation.

He added: "It allows us to continue to support our overseas work in several communities, while at the same time allow us to divert much needed assistance and caring to the people of the west of Scotland through the resources being saved and the costs involved.

"It is important to note that we are Glasgow's aid agency and carry the name of our city with great pride. This donation shows once more the generosity of heart and spirit that is Glasgow, and the wisdom of Police Scotland who can turn something which is corrupt into good for the less fortunate.

"We thank them and those others involved who once again have made this possible.''