"Extraordinarily insensitive" Catholic Church hits out at Orange march plan

The Orange Order's applied for marchers to take part in parades across Glasgow on the 6th of July this year for the annual Boyne march with some passing St Alphonsos' Catholic Church on London Road.

Published 12th Apr 2019
Last updated 12th Apr 2019

The Catholic Church has called for an orange walk to be re-routed so it doesn't pass the spot a priest was spat on during last year's event.

The Orange Order's applied for marchers to take part in parades across Glasgow on the 6th of July this year for the annual Boyne march with some passing St Alphonsos' Catholic Church on London Road.

Parish Priest Cannon Tom White was spat on and subjected to sectarian abuse while he spoke to parishioners outside the church after a service.

At the time he said he'd been called "Fenian scum", a "beast" and "paedophile" during the incident.

24 year old Bradley Wallace from Uddingston was jailed for ten months for spitting on him.

A spokesperson from the Archdiocese of Glasgow said: "It seems extraordinarily insensitive to plan such controversial marches past churches which will be full of people, knowing the anxiety and fear which will be caused to worshippers and the wider community.

“After the distressing scenes of last year in this precise location, sensitivities are high. Many regard the planned marches as unduly provocative. We would trust that the police will take these issues into consideration when offering advice to the City Council on how to proceed.”

In a statement Glasgow City Council said: "As with any other procession, the council will consult with Police Scotland on whether it has any concerns regarding public order, public safety, damage to property or disruption to the life of the community as a consequence of this notification.

“Local authorities do not have the power to ban or prevent parades on the basis that some citizens may dislike or be offended by them; or that they pass a place of worship.

A spokesman for the Grand Lodge of Scotland said the latest application was an annual process.