Extra Funding To Benefit Rape Crisis Centres

Published 10th Sep 2015

An extra £1.85 million is being invested to provide additional support for victims of sex crimes in Scotland.

The Scottish Government funding will benefit 14 rape crisis centres across the country.

It represents a near doubling of funding for the centres between 2016 and 2018 and comes in the same week recorded crime figures showed the number of sex crimes in Scotland had increased by 11 per cent in 2014-15.

The funding for Rape Crisis Scotland will also be used to support two additional projects, including the development of new local services in Orkney and Shetland.

This will be the first time these specialist services have been delivered on the islands.

The remainder of the funding will go towards advocacy and support workers to support those going through the criminal justice process and used to fund a National Sexual Violence Prevention Coordinator to coordinate work with young people on issues of consent and healthy sexual relationships.

The Cabinet Secretary for Justice, Michael Matheson, announced the funding during a visit to the Edinburgh Women’s Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre today:

“We are absolutely committed to tackling domestic abuse and sexual offending in Scotland and this £1.85 million funding will help provide important additional support for victims of these terrible crimes.

“Organisations such as Rape Crisis Scotland are doing fantastic work across the country, providing a vital service and giving support and advice for victims of sexual violence.

“We want to do all we can to support them which is why we are today increasing funding for these services by record amounts.

“Each of the 14 local rape crisis centres are receiving an 80 per cent rise in financial support and the new services in Orkney and Shetland are very important - making sure women all over Scotland are able to access these vital services.

“This is part of a wide range of measures we are putting in place to tackle sexual violence and support its victims. With this new £20m we will ensure better support of victims of violence and sexual assault.

“The number of sexual crimes reported to police rose by 11 per cent last year, with nearly half of that rise linked to an increase in reporting of historic crimes.

“We are strengthening the law, creating a hostile environment for potential abusers and our next major step will be the Abusive Behaviour and Sexual Harm Bill, providing extra powers against those who commit domestic abuse, harassment and sexual offences, and creating a new offence criminalising the appalling offence known as revenge porn.”

Rape Crisis Scotland National Coordinator, Sandy Brindley, said: “Rape Crisis Scotland is delighted to receive significant additional funding from the Scottish Government to help rape crisis centres across Scotland support survivors who are considering reporting to the police or are going through the police and court process.

“This funding will enable every rape crisis centre across the country to employ a dedicated support and advocacy worker who will provide much needed support and assistance.

“The funding will also enable us to work in partnership with women's aid to establish a rape crisis service across Orkney and Shetland.”