Ex-soldier on trial for killing Paisley woman

A charity worker killed by her former partner had 42 stab wounds, a court has heard.

Published 31st May 2018
Last updated 31st May 2018

A charity worker killed by her former partner had 42 stab wounds, a court has heard.

Alyson Watt was attacked by Gary Brown at her home in Paisley, Renfrewshire last June 2.

Ex-soldier Brown went on trial at the High Court in Glasgow where he denies murder.

The 55 year-old admits killing Bernardo's worker Miss Watt, but claims he was suffering from an “abnormality of the mind” at the time.

Advocate depute Michael Meehan started the trial by reading a joint minute – facts agreed by the prosecution and Brown's legal team.

This included information of Miss Watt's injuries. She had 42 separate stab wounds to the body.

Mr Meehan: “Two stab wounds on the neck had damaged the jugular veins.

“This would have resulted in rapid, profuse blood loss and ultimately death.”

There were further evidence of “defensive” injuries.

The trial was later told Brown, of Uddingston, near Glasgow, had latterly been an engineer with Scottish Power.

Jurors heard he had previously been in the armed forces. He was serving at the time of the Falklands War.

A colleague at Scottish Power went on to recall meeting with Brown weeks before the alleged murder.

Colin Bingham said he went to the Counting House pub in Glasgow with him.

It was there Brown spoke about a phone “to do with the girl he was together with at the time”.

He had apparently “read messages” on it.

Mr Meehan put to the witness: “Did he indicate to you what the content was?”

Mr Bingham: “He asked me what did I think a drunken kiss was. I said it was more than a peck.

“He did not really go into great detail. Gary had asked me about a drunken kiss and he said he had read that from the messages on the phone.

“He was just Gary. He was not angry, just a topic of conversation...asking a pal a question.”

Brian McConnachie QC, defending, later asked Mr Bingham was he aware Brown had been in a relationship at the time.

The witness said he knew.

The advocate: “A lady from Paisley?”

Mr Bingham: “Yes.”

Mr McConnachie: “How did he seem?”

The colleague replied: “Quite taken by her.”

The court also heard today/yesterday that Brown was arrested the day after the killing close to a quarry in Lockerbie in Dumfries and Galloway.

He faces others charges including an accusation that he attempted to kill a 16 year-boy at the house in Paisley on the same day of the alleged murder.

The trial, before Lord Summers, continues