Erskine drug dealer faces jail after death of teen

An acid dealer accused of supplying a tragic teen with the deadly hallucinogenic drug shortly before the youngster was found dead is facing jail over his drug dealing exploits.

Micheal Gerard McMonagle, 41, of Limewood Street in Derry, is facing three charges
Published 12th Jul 2018

An acid dealer accused of supplying a tragic teen with the deadly hallucinogenic drug shortly before the youngster was found dead is facing jail over his drug dealing exploits.

Jack McNaught, 19, was said to have supplied the class A drug to Owen MacDonald just hours before the 16-year-old was found dead in Erskine, near Glasgow.

A major police investigation was launched after Mr MacDonald was found lying dead on waste ground in the town in the early hours of April 30, 2017.

During the probe police linked Mr MacDonald's death to another 16-year-old, who had been admitted to Intensive Care after taking acid.

The details emerged today when McNaught appeared in the dock at Paisley Sheriff Court to plead guilty over his drug dealing exploits.

He admitted being caught with cannabis he intended to supply to others, and supplying acid tablets to the boy who was hospitalised and another teenager - after prosecutors deleted claims he also supplied Mr MacDonald.

McNaught first came to the attention of undercover police officers in March last year while standing next to a car in the car park of Erskine Bowling Club.

Officers found 14 wraps of the drug - eight weighing 1.55g and six weighing 0.83g - with a total value of ÂŁ220 hidden under the driver's seat.

Fve weeks later McNaught was dealing class A drugs with disastrous consequences to two 16-year-old boys, who can't be named for legal reasons.

Procurator Fiscal Depute Pamela Brady said three males went to McNaught's Erskine home on April 29, 2017.

The prosecutor explained: "In the early hours of April 30, a transaction has taken place whereby two 16-year-olds have purchased what is colloquially known as 'acid tabs' from Jack McNaught - a class A drug.

"Both males each handed ÂŁ20 to Jack McNaught and in return each was given three of these 'acid tabs'."

A short time later one of the boys' brothers received a phone call to say he was acting "bizarrely" and went to collect him in his car.

Mrs Brady explained: "The boy seemed to be fitting and his brother had concerns he had been taken some form of drug.

"The other boy had taken two of the acid tabs and initially experienced hallucinations and fairly positive feelings but thereafter could remember nothing until he woke up in bed the next morning.

"The other boy was taken home by his brother.

"His condition was causing concern and an ambulance was called and he was taken to the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

"He was seen by medical staff and assessed by a consultant anaesthetist.

"His condition caused such concern he was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, where he was sedated and incubated to assist breathing as they were concerned about his consciousness level."

Around the same time the boy was being treated in hospital, Mr MacDonald was found dead by passers by on an area of waste ground in Erskine.

Mrs Brady explained: "On seeing this male they were immediately concerned he seemed to be dead and the police were called.

"A fairly large-scale police investigation was established due to the finding of the young man deceased and also the condition of the boy who was then in Intensive Care.

"There is no corroborated evidence as to who supplied this young male with the acid but it appeared to be a drug death.

"The post mortem and toxicology result were unclear and the cause of death was recorded as 'unascertained' but there was a view after the investigation and examination that it had the hallmarks of a drug related death."

Defence solicitor Jonathan Manson said McNaught was a first offender with "a good job and a good future in front of him", adding: "He had no dealings with the other boy who was thereafter found deceased - he didn't see that boy.

"I wish to make it quite clear he had no transaction with that particular boy.

"This has caused him a significant amount of stress and anxiety."

McNaught could be caged for as long as five years for the offences when he is sentenced next month.