End of the road for pavement parking?

MSPs get the green light to change the law if they want to.

Published 24th Feb 2016

The Scottish Parliament is to be handed powers to tackle problem parking from Westminster.

The UK government has confirmed that it will amend the Scotland Bill to allow the Holyrood to deal with issues such as parking on pavements.

A members' bill from Glasgow MSP Sandra White looking at outlawing vehicles blocking walkways is currently being considered.

However it was facing failure because Holyrood did not have the power to legislate on road safety.

Under the current law, only driving on the pavement is prohibited unless councils have passed specific traffic regulations.

Scotland Office minister Lord Dunlop confirmed the powers would be devolved saying: "We know that inconsiderate parking makes life difficult for pedestrians, and I am grateful to Living Streets Scotland, Guide Dogs Scotland and other groups who have raised this important issue.

"There has long been a demand for the Scottish Parliament be able to tackle this issue, and I am pleased that we have been able to do so. This is a good example of the UK government working with the Scottish government to deliver for people in Scotland."

Sandra White, the MSP for Glasgow Kelvin, wants to give traffic wardens across Scotland the right to ticket vehicles that are causing an obstruction.

The proposal has received the backing of traffic wardens, the fire service and charities such as Guide Dogs Scotland.