East Kilbride man convicted of historic sex abuse

A man who raped two women has finally been brought to justice after almost 40 years.

Published 29th Sep 2017

A man who raped two women has finally been brought to justice after almost 40 years.

At the High Court in Glasgow 53 year-oldRobert Yule from East Kilbride was convicted of dragging one victim into a lane near to Renfield Street in May 1981 and raping a schoolgirl in Whisteleberry Road, Hamilton after pulling her from a footpath into a secluded area.

Yule, who is known as Bruce, was found not guilty of another rape in Rutherglen in March 1992.

The victim, who was dragged into a lane in Glasgow, is now 54.

She told prosecutor Angela Gray: “I was 18 and I left a nightclub at 1am with friends.”

The woman told the court that Yule, who was known as Bruce had also been at the nightclub.

She sobbed as she said: “It happened so fast. I got dragged into a lane off Renfield Street.”

Ms Gray asked: “What was the last thing you saw before you were dragged into the lane,” and the woman replied: “Bruce. He had an evil look. He grabbed me. It happened so suddenly. He forced me against a wall and he pulled and pushed me to the ground.

“Something hit me on the head it all happened so fast. I was trying to defend myself. It felt as if he had eight arms. ended up on the ground. He was strong and powerful. I was trying to fight him and telling him to stop. I was screaming.”

The woman said she told her mother she had been raped and they went to the police station to report it.

She added: “They said I must have had too much to drink and said I was out looking for men.”

The court was told that 10 years later she came across Yule at a social event. He said: “He said 'I'm sorry for what happened,' and he was laughing.

Yule claimed that the woman had consented to have sex with him.

His other victim, who is now 52, told of how when she was 14 or 15 Yule raped her.

She said: “He pulled and pushed me onto the ground and rapped me.”

The woman said she told no-one what happened until she was 17 and revealed what had happened to her best friend.

Defence counsel Sarah Livingstone asked the woman: “You accept that after this so-called rape you had sex with Bruce,” and she replied: “Yes after.”

The court heard that police opened an investigation into Yule two years ago and spoke to the woman as part of their inquiries.

She was asked by Ms Gray: “Was he angry over you reporting him for raping you,” and replied: “Yes, very angry.”

Judge Norman Ritchie QC deferred sentence on Yule, who is deaf, until next month for background reports and allowed him bail