Campaign for crossing on 'dangerous' East Kilbride road put to UK Government

Residents from Westwood Hill are calling for traffic calming measures "before someone is killed"

Author: Alice FaulknerPublished 22nd May 2023

A petition to introduce traffic calming measures in East Kilbride has been heard by the UK Government.

Road safety campaigners would like a pedestrian crossing installed on Westwood Hill - a busy route through a residential area.

Locals say the drivers routinely abuse the 30mph speed limit on the road - they say high speeds combined with a blind summit makes it "impossible" to cross.

'Dangerous road'

READ MORE: East Kilbride locals petition for pedestrian crossing on 'dangerous' road

Concern lies mainly with elderly people and children who struggle to cross in time.

The road hosts two bus stops and is in close proximity to a local primary school.

Recently, campaigner Kris McFadyen submitted a petition to South Lanarkshire Council.

The local authority agreed to look at the road at the next committee meeting to see what more can be done.

'Incident hotspot'

However, SNP MP Lisa Cameron has now submitted the petition to the UK Government, agreeing it is an "incident hotspot" having grown up in the area herself.

The UK Government will now contact South Lanarkshire Council to ask what progress is being made on installing traffic measures.

It has also been forwarded to the Secretary of State of Levelling Up.

She said: "Road safety is so important.

"I put the petition from the residents to the Parliament, so what will happen now is that UK Government will contact South Lanarkshire Council to ask for progress updates.

"I also know that the petition's already been forwarded to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up."

'We'll keep up the pressure'

"I grew up in Westwood myself and I know that this is an incident hotspot," she added.

"It's one that we really need to tackle because so many young people have been injured and we've seen so many casualties on the road already.

"The response that we need is the traffic calming measures put in place to protect residents.

"It's really vital that's taken forward and we'll be keeping up the pressure until that's actioned by the Council.

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