Dying Paisley dad begged paramedics to tell him he wasn't going to die

Craig McClelland was found bleeding in Tweed Avenue in July last year

Craig McClelland
Published 24th Apr 2018

A dying dad-of-three told a paramedic: “I've been stabbed, I've been stabbed. I don't know why this happened, but I've been stabbed.” Fiona McClelland, who is based at the Ambulance Depot in Paisley, told the High Court in Glasgow, that she and a colleague responded to a call which came in at 11.20pm on July 23, last year.

She said that they found Craig McClelland lying bleeding in the street with two stab wounds.

Ms McClelland wept as she said: “Craig was very agitated and scared. He kept talking about his family.

“He grabbed my arm tight and said: 'Please tell me I'm not going to die. I said 'We'll have none of that talk' and tried to make a joke of it.

“He told me about his partner Stacey and his three children and their names and their ages. He just kept repeating it over and over again.”

As she gave her evidence in the trial of James Wright, known as Jamie, and Stuart McLellan, nicknamed Disco, who deny murdering Mr McClelland, she broke down sobbing and said: “I'm sorry I'm trying to be professional. I deal with many murders and fatalities, but this really affected me.”

Ms McClelland told the court that in the ambulance on the way to hospital she held Mr McClelland's hand.

She added: “We tried out hardest. I said to Craig stop talking preserve your energy we are only minutes from the hospital.

“His body was starting to close down. I knew there was internal bleeding.”

The court heard that Mr McClelland died shortly after he arrived at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley at 11.48pm.

The trial before Lord Matthews continues.