Dunoon man jailed for attack on frail woman

A man attacked a frail woman when she asked for help with food bills has been given a life sentence.

Published 28th Sep 2018

A man attacked a frail woman when she asked for help with food bills has been given a life sentence.

46 year-old Christopher Pratt pounced on his friend Josephine Epsworth at her home in Dunoon, Argyll and Bute in August 2017.

Pratt smacked the 58 year-old with her walking stick, punched her repeatedly and struck the terrified woman with a belt.

A judge heard he yelled at her: "I'm going to kill you."

She was only saved when two passing police officers heard her banging on window.

Pratt - who already had a history of serious violence - pled guilty to assaulting Miss Epsworth to her severe injury.

He was today/yesterday given an Order for Lifelong Restriction (OLR) at the High Court in Glasgow.

Lord Matthews said he must serve a minimum two years and seven months behind bars.

The judge told him: "I am quite satisfied that only an OLR is appropriate in this case.

"Your risk is a high one as far as the public is concerned."

The court earlier heard how Pratt lashed out at Miss Epsworth, who has since died.

Prosecutor Paul Nelson said: "She asked him if he had any money to contribute to food bills as he had repeatedly visited without paying his share.

"He did not react well to this and flew into a rage."

The victim was initially punched and hit with the stick.

She pleaded she needed help - but Pratt instead removed his belt and smacked her across the head and body.

He said: "Don't even think about calling the police. I'm going to kill you."

Pratt continued the assault before forcing the victim into a cupboard.

He then left the house after locking her inside.

Miss Epsworth managed to crawl to a window meantime and shouted: "Please God - someone help me."

Two police officers walking by heard her cries for help.

Miss Epsworth told them what had happened and they detained Pratt.

Her body was covered in various marks, indentations and bruises.

Medical staff who examined her noted that she was emotionally traumatised and upset.