Dumfries pair set up coat collection for homeless

Following a trip to the city earlier this month, two friends were shocked to see so many people sitting on the street in freezing temperatures.

A person sleeping rough
Author: Kerri-Ann DochertyPublished 12th Dec 2017

Two friends from Dumfries and Galloway are appealing for donations of old coats so they can donate them to the homeless community in Glasgow.

Following a trip to the city earlier this month, Jacqui Hutchison and Louise Christie were shocked to see so many people sitting on the street in freezing temperatures.

The pair have set up a coat drop off at the Manor Hotel in Thorthorwald.

Jacqui said: "It's always difficult to know what to do because we're not going to be able to single-handedly solve homelessness.

"But we thought it would be a good idea to gather old coats that people are not using anymore and head back to Glasgow to distribute them.

"I think sometimes people have an assumption that every homeless person they see is there through their own fault but the thing is we will never know where misfortune will take us.

"One day it could be someone you know and it's good to remember that, especially at this time of year when we're so consumed in Christmas.

"It would be so nice if people could spare a thought for the less fortunate and donate a coat to the people living on the streets."

The pair are collecting coats, dog coats, hats, scarves and gloves - old and new - as long as they're clean and in decent condition.

Donations can be dropped off at the Monor Hotel all week before the pair head back to Glasgow next week to give them out.