Shots fired at houses in Drumchapel attack

It happened at around 11pm last night.

Published 1st Jun 2019

Two houses have been damaged after shots were fired in Drumchapel.

At around 11pm last night, two houses on Drummore Road had their front windows damaged after a firearm was discharged at both homes. No one was injured as a result of the incident.

Detective Inspector Lynsey Watters, Greater Glasgow CID, said:

"Thankfully no one has been injured as a result of this shooting but there were people in both homes at the time and this could have had a very different outcome if someone had been hit by either the bullet or by the smashed glass from the window.

"We believe, from our investigation so far, that one of the homes was the intended target of the shooter; the other possibly a mistake or accidental. However, it doesn’t matter whether intended or not, to discharge a firearm so recklessly is shocking.

"Officers are in the area at the moment looking at CCTV, both private and public, as well as carrying out door to door enquiries. We know that there was a man seen standing outside one of the houses at the time of the attack and that a white hatchback car was also in the road at the time. It made off along Drummore Road towards Peel Glen Road afterwards.

"There were people in the street when this all took place and the area is quite residential so I have no doubt that someone would have either seen or heard this happen.

"We would ask any witness to contact Drumchapel Police Office via 101 with any information they may have that will help our investigation. Please quote reference number 0190 of the 1 June 2019 when calling. Alternatively, details can be given in confidence to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."