Drink and drug drivers targeted in police crackdown

Hundreds of officers out in force across Scotland as part of summer campaign

Published 10th Jun 2016

Hundreds of police officers will be on roads across Scotland on Friday in a major crackdown on drink and drug drivers.

They will join colleagues from the road policing division to staff checkpoints throughout the country and increase the number of mobile patrols.

The one-day boost comes during Police Scotland's two-week summer crackdown on drink and drug drivers which started last weekend.

Chief Superintendent Andy Edmonston said: "You are as likely to be stopped in a rural environment as well as in all of our town and cities to check that you are driving in a safe and legal way, and are not under the influence of drink or drugs.

"Our increased visibility and activity throughout the country aims to reassure the public that drink/drug driving is unacceptable.

"If you choose to drink and drive or drive whilst unfit due to the effects of drugs, there is a high likelihood that you will be caught.

"Even if you're just over the limit, you're still a drink driver in the eyes of the law - there is no grey area.

"This may affect your current and future employment, and can have wider implications for other areas of your life including overseas travel. If you drink and drive, you won't just spoil summer, the effects can last a lifetime.

"Our message is simple - the best approach is none.

"We want everyone to enjoy their summer, which is why enforcement campaigns such as this one are essential to tackling the small minority of reckless road users who continue to break the law but also to remind the general public that drink driving is never worth the risk.''