Drink driver jailed after Maryhill crash

A drink driver who crashed and left a woman with “life altering” injuries has been jailed for almost four years.

Published 8th Jun 2018

A drink driver who crashed and left a woman with “life altering” injuries has been jailed for almost four years.

Police watched as Graham Duffy, 27, ploughed his mum's Volkswagen Golf into another car on Kelvindale Road, Maryhill.

Emma Hilling, 25, who had only met Duffy earlier that day in a pub, was rescued from the car and taken to hospital for emergency surgery.

At the scene, Duffy blew a reading of 121mg - five and a half times the legal 22mg drink drive limit -and was arrested by officers.

He was also taken to hospital but there, refused to give a blood sample and when cautioned and charged by police said “You’re a liar.”

Miss Hilling suffered a number of injuries including a fracture to her spine, three fractured ribs and broken wrist and needed immediate surgery to save her.

At Glasgow Sheriff Court Duffy pled guilty to dangerous driving that caused serious injury to Miss Hilling on February 3, this year, and failing to give a blood sample.

He was jailed for 44 months for his crimes.

The court heard Miss Hilling met Duffy in a pub in the city on that day and got into the car with him.

Around 6.30pm PCs Martin Sweeney and Nicola Glassford, in an unmarked car saw Duffy driving on Guthrie Street near its junction with Kelvindale Road.

Procurator fiscal depute Kathleen O’Donnell said the officers noticed the car travelling on Kelvindale Road “at excessive speed” and watched as it crashed into a red Ford Focus which was parked.

She said Duffy “lost control” and crossed on to the wrong side of the road before ploughing into a wall causing “considerable debris, dust and smoke”.

The police saw Duffy get out of the car and stagger.

Meanwhile Sergeants Alan Long and Kelly Miller who were on patrol, heard a loud bang and saw Duffy’s Golf hit the Ford Focus and made their way to the scene.

They identified Duffy as the driver and Sgt Long required him to give a breath sample.

Miss O’Donnell said: “Duffy agreed to provide a sample of breath which gave a positive reading of 121.”

He was then arrested by Sgt Long.

At the same time police were unable to open the passenger door of the car because of the damage, but saw Miss Hilling was “clearly injured”, clutching her stomach and complaining of pain.

The fire service were called and rescued her, before she and Duffy were taken to hospital.

When they got there, after initially cooperating, Duffy refused to provide a blood sample for testing and when cautioned and charged said “You’re a liar.”

He suffered soft tissue damage to his right leg and a cut to his forehead.

Miss Hilling immediately had emergency surgery when she arrived at hospital.

The court heard she suffered a number of injuries including an eight centimetre tear to her diaphragm with part of her liver and stomach lying in her chest cavity.

She sustained a number of fractures to her spine, ribs and wrist and had a chest drain inserted and a stoma bag fitted before going to the high dependency unit.

Miss O’Donnell added: “Miss Hilling has been left with significant scarring across her abdomen, her back and wrist.

“She states she has struggled with the management of her stoma and not only has her injuries are life altering she has struggled psychologically to deal with the impact of those injuries.

“Without surgical intervention, Miss Hilling would have died due to the injuries sustained and is fortunate to not have developed neurology from her spine fractures.