Doctor tells attempted murder trial baby's injuries were not from a fall

21 year-old William Robertson denies attempting to murder the baby at his flat in Clydebank in September last year.

Court Gavel
Published 9th Nov 2018

A consultant paediatrician told a jury it was unlikely that the injuries to a nine-month-old baby were caused by a fall from a couch.

Dr Katherine McKay was giving evidence for a second day at the trial of William Robertson who denies attempting to murder the baby at his flat in Clydebank on September 9 last year by fracturing her skull.

Dr McKay, who works at the Royal Hospital for Children in Glasgow, told prosecutor Greg Farrell that she examined the baby, who cannot be named for legal reasons, two days after she was admitted to hopsital.

She said that the child had extensive bruising to her forehead, bruising to her inner ear and a fracture at the back of her skull.

The jury was shown photographs of the couch Robertson claims the baby fell from and told the seat of the couch was 18 inches high, the arm was 25-26 inches high and the back was 34 to 35 inches high.

Mr Farrell asked first of all about a fall from the seat and Dr McKay said: “The height is not likely to cause a skull fracture. The baby was mobile at nine months. I would expect a baby to put out her hands to save herself.”

The consultant also said she did not think the injuries were consistent with a fall from the arm or the back of the couch.

In her report she stated that in her opinion the baby's injuries are consistent with 'several episodes of injury” and she added: “the child has suffered non-accidental injury.”

Robertson told paramedics and his sister that the baby fell from the couch while he was caring for her.

Dr McKay added: “It is normal for babies of around nine months to be exploring the environment around them and therefore they will fall. Many, many babies will fall every day. The falls are a common part of everyday life, but they do not normally result in multiple injuries to the head and skull.

“It would suggest if you get this degree of bruising, this degree of skull fracture and this degree of ear injury that something significant has happened.”

The consultant agreed with defence QC Donald Findlay that there is no way of ageing bruises.

The QC asked Dr McKay: “You saw the little girl on September 11 would you agree that the dating of bruising is notoriously difficult,” and she replied: “Yes.”

Robertson is also accused of being unfit to care for the baby because he had taken alcohol and smoked controlled substances. He is also alleged to have had cannabis in his possession on September 8, last year.

He denies all the charges against him and the trial before Judge Norman Ritchie continues.