Doctor Caught With Indecent Images Of Kids

29 year old Brian Morris admitted downloading and possessing almost 500 stills of children and 23 videos.

Published 23rd Feb 2015

A hospital doctor's career is in ruins after he was caught with hundreds of indecent images of children. Brian Morris, 29, was snared when police discovered the haul at his flat in Glasgow. The Glasgow University graduate's laptop was analysed and almost 500 still images of children were found. There were also 23 videos found on the computer. Morris, who is now a patient at Gartnavel hospital, pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to downloading and possessing the images between November 2013 and March 2014. The court heard that at the time Morris was employed as a doctor at a local hospital. Police were granted a search warrant to search his house in Hyndland, Glasgow, the flat he lived in at the time. Officers took a laptop which was examined by an expert and indecent images, still and moving, were recovered. The court was told that 481 pictures were recovered, ranging from level one, to level four. There were no images at level five - the highest and most extreme. Of the 23 moving images found on the laptop most ranged from level one to level four, with one at level five. The court heard Morris - who is currently suspended - made no comment during his police interview and when cautioned and charged by officers he made no response. Sheriff Daniel Scullion deferred sentence on Morris until next month.