Disgraced doctor jailed for 6 years for sex attacks

Author: Clyde NewsPublished 15th Jun 2018

A disgraced doctor who raped a teenager and sexually assaulted another woman has been jailed for six years.

Khalid Jamal, 45, met his victims on a dating web site and took them to his home where he invited them to look at his pet fish in his bedroom.

Jamal wept in the dock as Judge Johanna Johnston told him: “You subjected both of your victims to sexual assaults and raped one of them.

“You met them through the internet and told them you were in your twenties. Each young woman has been profoundly affected by your behaviour.”

The High Court in Glasgow heard that Jamal continues to protests his innocence and claims that his two victims had fabricated their evidence.

Judge Johnston before placing Jamal , a first offender, on the sex offenders' register, told him: “As a doctor for many years you served the community and you were involved in charity work, but given the nature of these offences only a significant custodial sentence is appropriate.”

His first victim, now 27, had been out with Jamal on a number of occasions.

On Christmas Eve 2013 he attacked her in his flat in Glasgow's Great Western Road after she refused to have sex.

Jamal raped his second victim, then 19, at hi "cabin” in Balloch, Dunbartonshire, between April and May 2016.

Earlier the doctor who told the teenager that he was 24, had picked her up in Glasgow city centre on their first date.

The 19-year-old saw Jamal again that September and he promised to drive her home from a night out.

Instead he took her to his flat in Parkhead, Glasgow, and sexually assaulted her.

Jamal, who also told his first victim he was in his 20's denied the allegations.

He claimed he had consensual sexual contact with both victims.

A jury at the High Court in Glasgow convicted him of raping and sexually abusing the teenager and sexually abusing the other woman.

In his police interview Jamal told officers he was a doctor and 'wanted to help people.”

Defence counsel Sarah Livingstone said: “Mr Jamal recognises that offences like these are abhorrent, but he insists that he had been wrongly convicted.

“He was a law-abiding citizen and as a doctor was involved in helping people and was also involved in charity work.”

Mr Livingstone said that Jamal, from India, had been lonely since coming to Scotland and had used the internet to meet people.

She added that Jamal claimed he did not go on the internet to target young women.