Devolution Clauses to be Changed

Changes are to be made to the draft clauses drawn up to implement plans for further devolution to Scotland, the convener of a key Holyrood committee has said.

Published 19th May 2015

Changes are to be made to the draft clauses drawn up to implement plans for further devolution to Scotland, the convener of a key Holyrood committee has said.

But Bruce Crawford, who leads the Scottish Parliament's Devolution Committee, said it would like to see more alterations before new legislation is introduced.

He was speaking after what he described as a constructive and helpful'' meeting with new Scottish Secretary David Mundell.

The committee last week said the draft clauses that had been put forward by the previous UK government did not meet with ''the spirit or the substance'' of the Smith Commission's recommendations.

The Commission, set up in the wake of last year's independence referendum, proposed giving a range of new powers to Holyrood, including greater control over income tax and some responsibility for welfare and benefits.

The draft clauses were drawn up by the Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition, ready to be implemented by whichever party won the General Election.

Since then, Prime Minister David Cameron has said he could consider ''sensible suggestions'' on what further powers could be transferred north.

The issue of further powers was raised in talks in London today between Mr Mundell and a delegation of MSPs from the committee, led by Mr Crawford.

Afterwards, the SNP MSP said: We had a constructive and helpful meeting.

We are pleased that the Secretary of State is moving quickly with the introduction of a new Scotland Bill.''

Mr Crawford said the Scottish Secretary had signalled that he will make some amendments to the current draft clauses and that is welcome''.

But he added that the MSPs would have liked to have seen more change before any Bill is introduced''.

The former Scottish Government minister said: Our report sets out what changes the committee think are necessary to reach the baseline of a Bill that meets the spirit and substance of the Smith Commission's report.

Parts of our report are being taken on board now and that is helpful. But let's see the Bill - we'll reserve judgment until then.''