No defence witnesses called in Craig Whyte fraud trial

Craig Whyte will not give evidence in his fraud trial, it emerged today.

Published 31st May 2017

Craig Whyte will not give evidence in his fraud trial, it emerged today.

His QC Donald Findlay told the High Court in Glasgow that no witnesses would be called on behalf of Whyte before the advocate closed the defence case.

He then asked for the trial to be adjourned to allow himself and prosecutor Alex Prentice QC a chance to “complete a review of the evidence” prior to closing speeches.

It is expected Mr Prentice will first address jurors today/tomorrow with Mr Findlay speaking on Friday.

Judge Lady Stacey will then give her legal directions which is set to begin on Monday.

Whyte denies a charge of fraud and a second allegation under the Companies Act in connection with his May 2011 takeover at Ibrox.

The trial continues.