Debt-Ridden Man Jailed For Bank Robbery

A ROBBER held up a bank after getting into debt trying to decorate his home, a court heard.

Published 3rd Dec 2014

A ROBBER held up a bank after getting into debt trying to decorate his home, a court heard. Alan Woods carried out the raid in August this year at the Bank of Scotland in Glasgow's Clarkston Road, Muirend using a toy gun. Woods fled with over ÂŁ3,000 before fleeing the scene in a taxi. The 46 year-old told the unsuspecting cabbie: "I f* up there." Woods was later traced and today/yesterday admitted to the robbery at the High Court in Glasgow. It emerged Woods already had a lengthy criminal record and had been freed early from a jail-term when he committed this offence. His lawyer told the court that the robber had started a new relationship after leaving prison and had planned to live with his lover. Thomas Ross, defending, added that in a bid to "furnish the flat for occupation" Woods turned to loan sharks for money. Mr Ross said: "He borrowed ÂŁ600, but within weeks this had risen to ÂŁ1600 and pressure was applied for recovery of this sum. "He became desperate and this crime was committed while under that state." Lord Turnbull jailed Woods for five years and four months. The judge also ordered Woods must first serve 100 days from his previous sentence.