Death of 21 year old in Kilmarnock treated as suspicious

Robert Fleming's body was found on Sunday the 7th of February

Published 10th Feb 2016

The death of young man found in a Kilmarnock street is being treated as suspicious.

The body of Robert Fleming, 21, was discovered by officers in Lammermuir Road at around 2pm on Sunday. A post mortem examination was carried out and police are treating the death as suspicious.

Officers said Mr Fleming was involved in an altercation outside Baker's nightclub in John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock, between 12.30am and 1am, on Sundayand then started to make his way home.

Detective Inspector George McAllister said: "We know from CCTV images at that location that there were several people outside the nightclub and in the street. The roadway was also busy with passing cars. I believe that many of these people would have witnessed the assault on Robert.

"I am urging them to come forward and speak to us. The information they could provide could prove vital to our investigation as we begin to piece together the events which have led to the death of this young man.

"Anyone with any information is asked to contact officers at Kilmarnock Police Office on 101. Alternatively, please call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 where information can be given anonymously.''