Dad caught man trying to rape his 15-year old daughter in East Kilbride

25-year old Marcus Donald targeted the terrified teen as she got off a bus in May this year

Carly Easey is no longer facing a murder charge
Published 8th Nov 2018

A father caught a stranger carrying out a sex attack on his teenage daughter in the street. Marcus Donald pounced on the terrified 15 year-old after following her off a bus in East Kilbride, South Lanarkshire.

The 25-year old struck just a short distance from the schoolgirl's home.

A judge was told her panic-stricken dad heard her desperate cries and immediately raced out.

Donald then fled when the man yelled at him to leave his daughter alone.

But, the sex predator was caught when CCTV clocked him tailing his victim from the bus.

First-offender Donald pleaded guilty to assaulting the girl with intent to rape.

He was remanded in custody and will learn his fate next month.

The High Court in Glasgow heard the girl had been out with friends on May 25 this year before heading home.

Dad-of-one Donald, also of East Kilbride, got on the same bus and initially sat at the back.

But, he edged closer to the teenager and asked: “Can I get your number?”

Prosecutor Jim Keegan QC said the girl “felt uneasy” and ignored him.

She soon got off at her stop, but was followed by Donald

The court heard the worried girl “increased her pace” to try and get away.

However, Donald caught up, grabbed the teenager and pushed her to the ground.

As the attacker tugged at her leggings, the young victim pleaded with him.

Mr Keegan: “She shouted: 'please don't'. She started to scream for her parents. She happened to be only two minutes from her house.”

Donald then punched the girl who continued to cry for help.

The prosecutor added: “Her parents heard and ran outside.

"Her father saw Donald standing over his daughter attempting to pull at her leggings.

“He shouted at Donald, who then ran off.”

The schoolgirl was described as “extremely frightened”. She was left bruised as a result of her ordeal.

Police soon began a hunt to catch the attacker.

Donald was identified from CCTV where he was spotted “standing close” to the girl on the bus.

It also emerged he had phoned a taxi after the attack. The driver recalled him being “breathless” as he entered the cab.

Mr Keegan said the victim has been left “nervous and anxious” following the incident.

Lord Burns placed Donald on the sex offenders list and deferred sentencing for reports.