Cumbernauld teen jailed for rape

A fifteen-year-old boy who raped a young girl while on bail for another sex attack has been locked up for five years.


A fifteen-year-old boy who raped a young girl while on bail for another sex attack has been locked up for five years.

The youth pounced on his first victim – a 13 year-old girl – in December 2015.

He then raped a 15 year-old girl last September having been bailed for the earlier crime.

The teenager today appeared at the High Court in Glasgow after earlier being convicted of both attacks.

The young rapist had denied carrying out the offences in Cumbernauld, North Lanarkshire.

Lord Kinclaven told him he had been found guilty of “serious” charges and that there was no alternative, but to lock him up.

The judge also ordered the teenager to be monitored for two years after his release.

A trial in Edinburgh heard how he messaged one of his victims after the attack to admit: “I have raped you and I can't live with that.”

Frances Connor, defending, today/yesterday said the boy was “not stupid” and “can do much better”.

She added: “He is intelligent enough to turn things around.”

The teenager was also put on the sex offenders register.

He showed no emotion as he led handcuffed to the cells. His parents were in court to see him sentenced.