Cranhill Victim Suffered "Sustained and Forceful Attack", says expert

Published 13th Feb 2015

A PATHOLOGIST told a court that dog walker Jean Campbell suffered a "sustained and forceful attack' involving multiple blows consistent with being hit with a dog lead. Dr Marjorie Turner said that 53-year-old Mrs Campbell, who was 4ft 11in and weighed six stones, had 11 broken ribs, a fractured thigh bone and extensive bruising to her head and body, The cause of death was blunt force trauma to her head and body. Dr Turner was giving evidence at an examination of facts into the death of Mrs Campbell. Paul Ward, 21, is accused of murdering her at Cranhill Park, Glasgow, on December 13, 2013. He is deemed unfit to stand trial and is currently at the State Hospital. Dr Turner, who has been a pathologist for 21 years and carries out 400 to 500 port-mortem examinations a year, said that some of the injuries on Mrs Campbell's face and neck had an unusual Y-shape. She estimated that a minimum of 15 blows had been struck. Prosecutor Alex Prentice QC asked Dr Turner: "Have you ever come across this pattern before," and she replied: "I don't ever recall seeing a pattern of injuries like I saw on this lady." The pathologist was shown Mrs Campbell's dog's lead and asked by Mr Prentice: "Is this something which could be a candidate for causing these injuries," and she replied: "Yes, the edge of the leather handle could have caused the Y shape." The court heard that injuries to Mrs Campbell's trunk were "in keeping" with the other end of the dog chain. Dr Turner said: "It has been done with a whipping type action. The chain is quite heavy, but it must have used with force to cause these injuries." The pathologist described the leg break as '"an extremely unusual injury" as part of an assault. She added: "Her death was caused by blunt force trauma to her head and chest. My findings indicate multiple blows which could be consistent with a dog chain." Dr Turner said it was t is possible , given small bruises found at Mrs Campbell's mouth, she was either smothered or had developed hypothermia." The hearing that Mrs Campbell had defensive wounds to her hands and arms which indicated she had tried to fend off blows. Under cross-examination by defence QC Donald Findlay sDr Turner agreed there was no actual evidence of smothering other than the bruises. She was asked if she could give a time of death and replied: "I can't point to that with any degree of accuracy." Mr Findlay then asked if Mrs Campbell could have broken her leg in an accident and then been attacker later and Dr Turner: "As a pathologist I can't exclude it." The hearing before judge Lord Matthews continues